Boy puppy:
Boy puppy:
So, Jenny's comment on my last post reminded me that I need to update my blog. Here are some recent pics of the pupperdoodles as I like to call them. They are doing great. We lost two but we have four that seem to be doing well. One of them we call Squirmy because he is... well... squirmy. He is very small, definitely the runt of the litter. I've kind of grown attached to him though. The other three are definitely NOT SMALL as you can see.
We have been doing great. Summer has come to an end for the kids at least. They start back to school tomorrow (Monday). They are so excited. I know it won't be long before they are not excited anymore, but irritated that they have to get up early instead of watching T.V. I'm guessing about Wednesday for Katie, maybe Friday for Chas.
Katie is quickly becoming too cool for me. Too cool for any of us, really. She informed me not long ago that she is ready to move out. She is seven. Oh boy. That's all I have to say about that.
Chas is still the most adorable child ever. He recently picked out some fire engine pajamas when we were out shopping for school clothes and I couldn't resist. He loves them and they are the cutest thing ever! It has become painfully clear to me that his days of cuteness are numbered and I am holding on for dear life. So, I bought him another pair of pajamas (Mario Kart) yesterday just for good measure. They aren't as cute as the fire engine pajamas, but they will do. I have always desperately tried to keep Chas little for as long as possible, but time marches on and I know the inevitable is soon approaching.
But it is not here yet and I am going to enjoy every minute of cuteness that I have left. Tonight he told me that he really wished he was a dog because then he could dig in the yard whenever he wanted to. The cutest thing he does, though, is recite commercials. He loves commercials and gets so excited over the claims they make about the product/place/etc., I love how gullible and innocent he is. The other day he saw a commercial about some weight loss thing and he goes to Eric and says, "Daddy, do you want to be skinny like Mommy? Here is what you need to do... " it was so funny. Eric thought that I put him up to it, but I did not.
I feel like I should say something more about Katie. Katie is desperate to be grown up and it is killing me. She wants a cell phone so she can text her friends (never mind that none of them have cell phones). She wants her own facebook page. She wants her own web show. What is a web show anyway??? She wants, she wants, she wants! She does NOT want to hold my hand in public. Ever. She wants her own room. At least three times a week she wants to go live with Aunt Betsy, because as she once told us, "her kids have never even cried... ever!" Aunt Betsy is the best mother on the planet according to Katie. She never makes her kids clean up, or eat their vegetables, or turn off the T.V., etc., Katie is just sure of it. The other thing that Katie is known for is her drama. Oh the drama! She gets hurt/sick a LOT. And it is very dramatic. The slightest little thing sends her into a tailspin of emotions. The other day she was wailing because she hurt her knee. I glanced at the knee and it looked fine to me. When she wouldn't quit squalling about it, I asked her, rather impatiently, what she wanted me to do about it, to which she replies, "Well, at least LOOK at it! Be a M O T H E R!" I thought that was pretty funny. I love my Katie even though she drives me crazy and I know she loves me too. The truth is, she reminds me of myself a lot when I was her age and I try to remember that when I am at my wits end with her. I caught her trying to shave her legs the other day, so I showed her the scar on my leg that I got when I tried to cut the hair off with scissors when I was about her age because I didn't know you were supposed to use a razor, I just knew my Mom didn't have hair on HER legs.
Oh well, this is life and life is good.